Friday, 31 March 2017

पंचम भाव में स्थित सूर्य का फल (Sun in Fifth House)

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Fifth house represents children and creative instincts of the person. If the native were a male offspring, he is likely to be overbearing in nature. Natives having Sun in 5th house usually do well in speculation and investment matters too. 

यहां स्थित सूर्य आप को सदाचार का विधिवत ज्ञान देता है, और आप सदैव सदाचार का पलन भी करते हैं। आप बुध्दिमान तो हैं लेकिन क्रोध आप पर अक्सर हावी हो जाया करता है। फलस्वरूप लोगों के बीच आपकी छवि एक क्रोधी व्यक्ति की बन सकती है। लोग आपकी हाजिरजबाबी के कायल हो सकते हैं। आप एक अच्छे लेखक या परामर्श दाता हो सकते हैं।

It is a wonderful placement of Sun as it gives artistic inclination. Native can do wonders in performing arts especially acting. Such people have a strong desire to express themselves in creativity and it can be through any mean be it sports, romance, writing, and of course drama.

यहां स्थित सूर्य आपके जीवन में एक अजीब सी स्थिति पैदा कर सकता है, यदि आपका स्वाथ्य ठीक नहीं होगा तो आपका व्यापार व्यवसाय ठीक चलेगा। ठीक इसके उलट यदि आपका व्यापार व्यवसाय ठीक चलेगा तो आपका स्वाथ्य प्रभावित रह सकता है। यहां स्थिति सूर्य आपको संतान से संबंधित परेशानियां दे सकता है। 

Since firth house relates to children, the native is also likely to have a strong desire to have children quite early in life. Their life will be directed towards helping and guiding the younger ones in some or the other way. However, this placement could also interfere with progeny possibilities.

पुत्र संतान की प्राप्ति बहुत विलम्ब से हो पाती है लेकिन पुत्र की पैदाइस के बाद जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों में खूब तरक्की होती है। आपकी संतान मेधावी और कुल को प्रसंसा दिलाने वाली होती है। आप छोटी-छोटी बातों पर गुस्सा होने के साथ-साथ किसी बाय को लेकर चिन्तित या दुखी भी रह सकते हैं।

 Such people know how to enjoy life and make the most of it. Moreover, their presence is healing to others but they themselves struggle to be happy inwardly. Their life is more like a lone lion wandering in the forests.

For professional astrological guidance contact Astrologer Pankhuri Verma.

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

चतुर्थ भाव में स्थित सूर्य का फल (Sun in Fourth House)

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598

With the Sun located in the 4th house of the natal chart, an individual has his family affairs as a basis during all his life. The native’s biggest dream is to create a big family, own a big house and become the respected leader among them, connecting all of his kin under his presence. Such an aspect creates a person who loves traditions and will somehow invest efforts in preserving them.

यहां स्थित सूर्य आपको आर्थिक रूप से समृद्धशाली बना सकता है, क्योंकि यह आपके भीतर बचत करने की प्रवृत्ति देगा। आप देखने में रूपवान तो हो सकते हैं लेकिन कुछ चिन्ताएं भी आपको घेरे रह सकती हैं। यहां स्थित सूर्य माता पिता की सेवा से वंचित करवाता है। या तो आप दूर रहने के कारण माता पिता की सेवा नहीं कर पाएंगे या फिर साथ रहकर आपसी मनटाव से ग्रस्त रह सकते हैं।

As the fourth house is responsible the roots, the home and the family where the individual is born, having the brightest object of the sky in this house illuminates all affairs that it rules. This aspect tends to bring prosperity in the latter parts of one’s life, as he chooses to progress slowly but steadily. A native with the Sun located there will plan long-term, and this will definitely bring him success through small steps. He will not spend a lot of money in having fun but rather keep what he earns for his family and for the future days.

Having the Sun in the house of your roots may signify being a descendant of an aristocratic or well-known family. This aspect gives pride of your roots, and plays an important role in your self-esteem. There can be some legacy coming from his ancestors; even some objects that are passing through the generations- of which he will also be very proud and display them in his home for the public.

सूर्य की यह स्थिति भाइयों के आपसी सद्भाव में बाधक बनती है। लेकिन यह स्थिति आपको किसी गुप्त विद्या का ज्ञान दे सकती है। हो सकता है कि आप अपनी जन्मभूमि को अधिक महत्त्व न दे पाएं लेकिन फिर भी आप किसी को हानि पहुचाने से डरेंगे। आपको सोने चांदी के व्यापार से लाभ मिलेगा। आपकी अधिकतर यात्रांए भी लाभकारी सिद्ध होंगी।

When the Sun is located in the 4th house it creates an interest in the real estate, in agriculture and anything connected with land. The native will have a lot of success if he chooses such careers, especially when his natal Sun is positively aspecting planets connected with the 10th house. There are high possibilities that he will receive land and houses from his ancestors, and becomes rich through selling them. Another possibility is that the native receives a ready business that his ancestors are running for a long time. This could be a traditional restaurant, a small factory which produces a small trademark product or drink, or anything else that includes the soul of the family during long years.

यदि आप कुछ नया करने की कोशिश करेंगे, कुछ नया बनाएंगे या शोध करेंगे तो यह आपके लिए लाभप्रद रहेगा। कोई भी बुरी लत न लगने दें अन्यथा आपको अपनी बुरी लत को छोडने में बडी कठिनाई होगी। आपका ससुराल पक्ष कुछ हद तक समस्याग्रस्त रह सकता है। आपको भी आंखों से संम्बंधित परेशानियां हो सकती हैं। आपको चाहिए कि लालच को आने पास भी न फटकने दें अन्यथा आर्थिक संकट परेशान कर सकता है।

For such kind of individuals, a solid foundation to live is an important priority. They need to feel kings of their castles and create a nest for their offsprings, to be both able to protect them but also to rule over them. If you have your Sun adversely aspected by malefics, be careful of being over-dominant towards your family. You might be thinking that you offer them stability, but cutting the wings of your youngsters will create them traumas- probably the same type that your parents created in you. Break this pattern now, otherwise this will continue as a tradition in your family!

For professional astrological guidance contact Astrologer Pankhuri Verma,

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

Monday, 27 March 2017

तृ्तीय भाव में स्थित सूर्य का फल (Sun in Third House)

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598

Should Sun be in third house, it is likely to boost one’s inclination to talk a lot. Such people are fond of travelling in an attempt to add more to their contact list of influential people. Their educational endeavors and interests are more dramatic than intellectual, meaning they are more inclined towards drama and performing arts than mathematics and science. Such people have a sharp yet upright mind, crammed with high sense of ambition and pride. Sun in 3rd house also affords the native the tendency to be solid and self-reliant despite the odds. Moreover, it gives an voracious hunger to succeed in life.

आपके तीसरे भाव में स्थित सूर्य आपके भीतर एक विशेष प्रकार का आकर्षण देगा। आप बडे पराक्रमी हो सकते हैं और अपने पराक्रम के कारण अपने बहुत से कार्यों को परिपूर्णता देंगें। आपकी रुचि ज्योतिष विज्ञान या गणित विषय में हो सकती है। अथवा आपके भीतर कवित्त्व का गुण पाया जायेगा। आप एक राज्यमान और प्रतापी व्यक्ति हो सकते हैं। 

If you have Sun in third house, chances are that you assign a lot of importance to wisdom and knowledge and you believe in sharing it with others. Moreover, they strongly yearn to learn, thus travel is a crucial part of their life. You tend to ask for evidence before trusting a new idea. 

आप बलशाली और प्रतिष्ठावान व्यक्ति हैं। लेकिन यहां स्थित सूर्य आपके भाइयों की संख्या में कमी दे सकता है। यहां स्थित सूर्य आपके भीतर शिक्षण की क्षमता देता है अत: आप शिक्षक या प्रोफेसर भी बन सकते हैं। यदि आप व्यवसाय के प्रति इच्छुक हैं तो आप मानसिक कौशल से जुडा कोई भी व्यवसाय कर सकते हैं। यदि आप सॉफ्टवेयर से जुडे किसी काम काचयन करते हैं तो वह आपके लिए फायदेमंद रहेगा।

A few things that you may need to work upon are intellectual pride and impatience. Since you tend to think that you are always right, there could be a lot of misunderstandings with people around.  Even according to Phaladeepika, such people tend to have inimical relationship with their kinsmen.

यहां स्थित अकेला सूर्य कोई भी हानिकर प्रभाव नहीं देता। किसी अन्य ग्रहों या योगों के द्वारा पीडित होने की अवस्था में यह आपमें कुछ हद तक चारित्रिक दोष दे सकता है। कुछ बुरी आदते भी आपमें आ सकती हैं। चोरी का भय अथवा मामा या पडोसियों को कुछ कष्ट हो सकता है। कभी कभार अधीनस्थ कर्मचारियों का सहयोग कम मिलता है।

For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.
Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598

Saturday, 25 March 2017

द्वितीय भाव में स्थित सूर्य का फल (Sun in Second House)

Call Or Whatsapp at: +91 9711224598

Sun is the divine expression of potency and dominance which also holds immense aggression along with highest authority for being the emperor among all the planets. Sun is an auspicious presence but it could also appear as malefic for certain planetary placements for which it provides both pleasant and adverse impacts to human beings.

सूर्य ग्रह नौ गृहों में एक प्रभुत्व वाला और आक्रामक ग्रह माना गया है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र में सूर्य को आत्मा का कारक भी माना गया है।सूर्य ग्रह शुभ फल देने वाला ग्रह है लेकिन जन्म कुंडली मेँ अपनी स्थिति के अनुसार जातक को दुष्परिणाम भी देता है। इसी अनुसार दूसरे भाव मेँ सूर्य भी अपनी स्थिति के अनुसार जातक को शुभ या अशुभ फल देता है।

The presence of Sun in the second house will bestow them financial strength as these natives with Sun in 2nd house would attain good professional places or would have variant channels of income for keeping them wealthy while on the other part, these natives with Sun in second house would pursue very lavish and careless spending of money as they are born attached to materialistic pleasures and comforts. They always seek for financial independence.

यदि दूसरे भाव मेँ सूर्य शुभ स्थिति मेँ हो तो जातक को संपत्ति प्रदान करता है। ऐसे जातक अपने कार्यक्षेत्र मेँ उच्च पप्त करते हैँ और उन्हें अनेक स्तोत्रों से संपत्ति प्राप्त होती है। ये जातक भोज विलास की वस्तुओं पर धन व्यय करतें है और भौतिक वस्तुओं से इन्हे लाभ होता है। ऐसे जातक हमेशा संपत्ति में आत्मनिर्भर होने की कोशिश करते हैँ।

The natives of this placement of Sun in second house are effective talkers as they will leave impacts behind besides which they are perceived to be true to his/her words as these natives won't ever break their promises. Besides this, these natives of Sun in 2nd house are perceived to be intellectual beings who would pursue good learning and would turn towards research and scientific aspects.

ऐसे जातक जब किसी से संवाद करते है तो अपना प्रभाव उस पर डालतें है एवं अपनी प्रतिज्ञा को कभी नहीँ तोड़तें। ये जातक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति होते है और अपने जीवन मे अत्यधिक ज्ञान प्राप्त करते है।
यदि सूर्य अशुभ स्थिति मेँ हो तो जातक हठी और चिड़चिड़े होते है। 25 वर्ष की आयु मेँ उनकी उनके जीवन को समस्या हो सकती है और उन्हें वाणी से संबंधित रोग जैसे हकलाने की समस्या हो सकती है। ऐसे जातकों में आत्म विश्वास की कमी भी देखि जा सकती है।

Apart from this, these natives with sun in 2nd house would be stubborn and peevish in their attitude. They could be stammers and could face danger to their lives during the age of 25 yrs.

For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma .
Call or Whatsapp at: +91 9711224598

Friday, 24 March 2017

प्रथम भाव में स्थित सूर्य का फल (Sun in First House)

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598

Having the Sun in the first house is being born right before sunrise, and from the ancient years it was believed that it is a good omen for the newborn’s life. The rising Sun located in the first house grants its light to the person’s body and character, making the native a beautiful person with a strong presence among others. This aspect empowers self-confidence and helps projecting power towards others; the native is a born leader and the masses find in him the bright light that they yearn to follow.
आपकी कुण्डली के प्रथम भाव में स्थित सूर्य इस बात का संकेत कर रहा है कि आपका स्वाभाव स्पष्ट और उदार होगा। आपके छोटे भाई और बहन भाग्यशाली होंगे वो अच्छे मित्रों वाले और पद प्रतिष्ठा वाले होंगे। आपकी मां धार्मिक विचारों वाली और तीर्थयात्रा करने वाली होंगी। आपके बच्चों की शिक्षा का स्तर अच्छा होगा। वे दूर देश में शिक्षा ग्रहण कर सकते हैं|
The strong leadership abilities are a result of the Sun’s presence in the traditional house of Aries; the Sun in the 1st house is a fighter, always willing to reach out and fight for the goals that the native establishes. Furthermore, if the Sun is located in a fiery and masculine sign as for example Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the native’s abilities become even stronger. A problem that he might encounter is become overbearing towards others and extremely arrogant. 
सरकार से आपके संबंध अच्छे रहेंगे। सत्ता से से जुडे और शक्तिशाली लोगों से आपके अच्छे रिश्ते रहेंगे। आप अपने पिता का आदर करते हैं और उनकी आज्ञा मानते हैं। आपका जीवन साथी अच्छे खानदान से होगा।

As the first house is responsible for the body, the presence of Sun gives good health, even if it is poorly aspected. In such situations, even when the native’s body malfunctions and health issues appear, the Sun helps him recuperate quickly and be very robust. The individual’s general optimism and positive approach towards health problems is a factor that largely contributes to his vitality. A Rising Sun person is usually tall and strong; most of the times he looks very similar to his father. The father is frequently a respected person of authority, and the child is copying his character. The father-child relationship is a very good one, there exists a lot of admiration and respect and the father becomes the main role model for the child.
आप स्वभाव से ईमानदार और धार्मिक होंगे अथवा नैतिकता के दॄष्टिकोण से आपका बर्ताव उचित रहेगा। लेकिन यहां स्थित सूर्य आपके स्वभाव में आक्रामकता, कभी-कभी विवेक हीनता, अलस्य, क्षमाहीनता, घमंड, धर्यहीनता देता है। हांलाकि यह आपमें महत्वाकांक्षा और प्रभावशाली उपस्थिति दर्ज कराने के गुण भी देता है।
A first house Sun person is very interested in expressing himself. This is usually also connected to his physical appearance, interests and activities. He feels the urge to shine like the Sun and be adored by the rest of the world. Being adored and followed is very important for his self-confidence, and so he strives to develop a personal style and approach to life. He does not like copying other individuals and feels uncomfortable to follow trends; a first house Sun person is the beginning of a trend himself.The Sun helps them evolve early in their life and many people with such a Sun position can already be successful before they reach the age of 30.

यहां स्थित सूर्य आपको तेजस्वी और लम्बा तो बनाता है लेकिन साथ ही गंजापन और दुर्बलता भी दे सकता है, और आप सिर या आंखों की समस्या से पीडित हो सकते हैं लेकिन आपका बाकी स्वास्थ्य अच्छा रहेगा।

All the people that have their Sun in the first house, have their zodiac sign highly emphasized in their chart. Most of them have the same Sun sign and Rising sign, but even those who do not, have their chart dominated by this Sun.
हो सकता है कि बाल्यावस्था में स्वास्थ्य कुछ हद तक उदासीन रहे। आपकी कुछ कमाई पशुओं के माध्यम से भी हो सकती है, और बच्चों की संख्या कम रह सकती है।
The only advice that such an individual should follow is to practice humility and battle pride. It is quite an easy change for a good leader to become tyrannical, for a successful person with a lot of altruism to start forgetting about the people that are less strong than him. If you want to make the world continue to worship you, you should not forget getting in the world’s shoes once in a while. The good leader is the one that is followed by choice and not the one that is feared of. If you really want to be a Sun for other people, do not forget to warm them.

For professional astrological guidance contact Astrologer Pankhuri Verma.

Call or Whtsapp at: +91 9711224598

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

दशम भाव में स्थित सूर्य का फल (Sun in Tenth House)

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598
Should Sun be in the tenth house of a horoscope, the person is likely to have entrepreneurial abilities. Native may have the ability to start things from ground up and turn it into something big. He / she thus is likely to enjoy a good reputation and position in a highly regarded organization, probably founded by themselves or in which they are placed.

 दसवें भाव में स्थित सूर्य बहुत सारे अनुकूल परिणाम देता है। फलस्वरूप यह आपको, बुद्धिमान, विद्वान और प्रसिद्ध बनाएगा। आप आत्मविश्वास से भरे हुए अमीर व्यक्ति होंगे। आप कार्यक्षेत्र में बडी सफलता पाने वाले वाले व्यक्ति हैं। आपके भीतर नेतॄत्त्व करने की अद्भुत क्षमता होगी। अत: आप लोगों का नेतॄत्त्व कर सकते हैं।

Sun in tenth house also gives exceptional leadership and management skills. Moreover, it gives a strong and resolute character too. And these positive attributes help them capitalize on key opportunities. However, such a person should act in time to make the most of the available prospects.

 आप किसी सरकारी पद पर प्रतिष्ठित हो सकते, सरकार द्वारा सम्मानित हो सकते हैं या खुद सरकार का एक अंग हो सकते हैं। आप उदार चरित्र और ऐश्वर्यवान व्यक्ति हैं। आप अपनी व्यवहार कुशलता के लिए प्रसिद्ध होंगे। आप अपनी उदारता के कारण लोकप्रियता हाशिल करेंगे। आपके पिता दीर्घजीवी होंगे और पिता के साथ आपके संबंध संतोष जनक रहेंगे।

Sun in 10th house gives the native an urge to shine and get recognition for their efforts. Such people have a strong desire to excel at something like mastering an art. Moreover, these people can also become an inspiration for others. They are likely to get support or opposition from people in authority depending upon the influence of other planets on Sun’s energies. Often they have a tendency to self applaud which should be avoided. Natives of this placement are blessed with sons after marriage and enjoy the comfort of having own transport.

 यहां स्थित सूर्य आपको कुछ नकारात्मक भी देगा। यदि आप अपने मस्तिष्क में नकारात्मक विचारों को आने देंगे तो आपकी माता को कष्ट का सामना करना पड सकता है। आपके अस्तित्त्व के बढने के साथ ही आपके अपने आपसे बिछडते जाएंगे। बाइस वर्ष की उम्र से लेकर सत्तर वर्ष की उम्र के बीच आप जीवन के सम्पूर्ण ऐश्वर्य को भोग लेंगे।

 For professional astrological guidance contact Astrologer Pankhuri Verma. Call or Whtsapp at:
 +91 9711224598

Saturday, 18 March 2017





  • Day: Thursday
  • Direction:North east
  • Colour:Yellow
  • Nature:  Knowledge,Wisdom
  • Friendly Planets:Sun,Moon,Mars
  • Enemy Planets:Mercury,Venus
  • Neutral  Planets:Saturn,rahu
  • Exalted in:Cancer
  • Debilitated in:Capricon
  • Special Features:Knowledge
  • Metal:Gold
  • Precious stone:Yellow Sapphire
  • Represents:Elder people and Teacher
  • Body Parts Ruled:Liver,Large Intestine
  • Diseases:Jaundice,Inflamation,Cough

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Contact SHIV  ASTROLOGY for professional astrological guidance.
Contact us at: 9711224598

Saturday, 11 March 2017


                        TAURUS(2nd Sign of Zodiac)
TAURUS is an earth sign that means it has the ability to see things from a grounded , practical and realistic perspective.
They find it easy to make money and stay on same projects for many years or until they are completed.     
The ruler of taurus is VENUS , the planet of love ,attraction,beauty satisfaction,creativity and gratitude.This tender nature will make taurus an excellent cook,gardner,lover and artist.
Taurus is the second sign of zodiac and it is represented by the sign of BULL. They are known by the sincertity that they have and the innate amount of perseverance. They are represented by the bull because they are too strong and powerful like a bull. They do not react until they are provoked.


  1.    GENEROUS
  2.           DEPENDABLE
  3.           DOWN TO EARTH
  4.           PATIENT
  5.           INDEPENDENT
  6.           PERSISTENT


  1.         STUBBORN
  2.         SELF INDULGENT
  3.         LAZY
  4.         MATERIALISTIC
  5.         POSSESSIVE
  6.         FRUGAL

Monday, 6 March 2017

Twelve signs of ZODIAC.

There are 12 houses in a Horoscope.
Each house signifies different aspect of life.
U can understand 12 houses easily by the following images:

1. First house is PERSON ,U ,SELF.
2.Second house is FAMILY AND        ACCUMULATED WEALTH.
3.Third house is SIBLINGS.
4.Fourth house is MOTHER,HOME.
5.Fifth house is EDUCATION ,LOVE.
6.Sixth house is HEALTH.
7.Seventh house is SPOUSE.
8.Eight house is  of SECRECY.
9.Ninth house is of SPIRITUALITY.
10.Tenth house is of PROFESSION.
11.Elevnth house is of GAINS.
12.Twelth house is of Expenses.

I have a given a rough idea about each house above.. 
But NOTE: Each house signifies not only one aspect but 100s of aspects.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Sun- The Lord of All The Planets
Gives the following results in the 12
Houses of a Natal Chart(KUNDALI)

Sun in first house.

Sun in 2nd house.

Sun in third house.

Sun in 4th house.

Sun in fifth house.

Sun in 6th house.

Sun in seventh house.

Sun in eight house.

Sun in ninth house.

Sun in 10th house.

Sun in 11th house.

Sun in twelth house.
These are not the final results for accurate prediction.. These are only general results..
For final prediction many more important points are required.