Friday, 25 August 2017

सप्तम भाव में स्थित गुरु (Jupiter in Seventh House)

 Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598

The 7th house is yet another house wherein Jupiter showers favours on the individual in money matters, in income, in earnings, in enhancing prestige and power, granting success in love affair, in getting a suitable matrimonial match, also in giving success in buying and selling. Jupiter helps in marriage at the right or desired age.Jupiter gives capacity to gain an upper hand over enemies. If it is in a watery Sign, Jupiter helps in migration of the individual to another country or a town by sea-coast, and successfully settling there.Jupiter is also helpful in matters relating to elections, litigation on the civil side , in matrimonial disputes, in matters of arbitration, in managing the property and assets and even business or office affairs of the spouse. It helps in quick recovery from physical injuries. It also helps in securing loans from banking and other similar financing institutions for any kind of business venture or enterprise.The individual can, himself or herself, become a successful banker or insurer. One unique point regarding Jupiter in the 7th house is that these individuals have remarkably good memory and they are able to express their thoughts and ideas very clearly and impressively in writing but often it is seen that they are not very impressive speakers.

आप शारीरिक रूप से सुंदर  और आकर्षक व्यक्तित्त्व होंगे । लोग आपसे मिलकर खुश  होते हैं । आपकी वाणी सूंदर  व  प्रभावशाली हो  सकती  है । आप कुशाग्र बुद्धि और विद्या सम्पन्न व्यक्ति हैं। आप ज्योतिष ,काव्य साहित्य और कला प्रेमी  होंगे । 

If readers minutely study, they would find that some of the judges on the benches of higher and lower courts may have Jupiter-in the 7th house and they preferred service in judiciary instead of functioning as a lawyer because they considered themselves less proficient in speaking. Same is the case with some chartered accountants, who prefer to prepare returns, representations, notes for submission and appeals but send their colleagues and juniors to argue the cases before taxation authorities. Cases are not rare where a great author is not so impressive while speaking in public. Some actors and actresses are good in acting, but not equally good in dialogue-delivery.Now u may might question why this is so. The answer is : the 2nd house rules the capacity and capability or competence for the spoken word, and the 7th house is in 6th position from the 2th house, impact of which has been given above . However, it may also be noted that these individuals have very correct and minute observation of any event or happening and they can stand any kind of cross-examination when standing in the witness box of any legal forum.

आप प्रतापी यशस्वी और प्रसिद्ध होंगे। लेकिन यहां स्थित बृहस्पति कभी-कभी विपरीत लिंगी के प्रति अधिक आशक्ति देता है परंतु उनके प्रति लम्बे समय तक समर्पित रहना आपको पसंद नहीं होगा। फिर भी आपका जीवन साथी कुलीन और धनवान होना चाहिए। विवाह के कारण आपका भाग्योदय होगा और आपको धन, सुख, श्रेष्ठ पद और मान्यता  है । आपका जीवन साथी गुणों से युक्त हो सकता है ।

One major advantage of Jupiter in the 7th house is that whenever there is any problem, which might involve besides other things a monetary angle, the family of the spouse comes forward to extend monetary help and all other kind of support to the individual. In some cases, a male having Jupiter in the 7th house would find his wife in case of emergency, coming forward to help him her petty savings collected over the vast period or married life. And cases are not rare, at least in South Asian Countries, where the wife sold her jewellery to help the husband monetarily.

सप्तम भाव का बृहस्पति कामुकता अधिक देता है। यहां स्थित कभी-कभी अभिमानी भी बनाता है। इसीलिए इन पर नियंत्रण भी आवश्यक होगा। आप शीघ्र ही बडी उन्न्ति और बडा पद प्राप्त करेंगे। आपको सरकारी कामों, कचहरी के काम, मंत्रणा देने का काम, सलाहकार का काम, चित्रकला आदि के द्वारा लाभ मिल सकता है। 

For Professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.

Call or Whatsapp at + 91 9711224598.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

छ्टें भाव में स्थित गुरु का फल (Jupiter in Sixth House)

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598

Natives with Jupiter in the 6th house find their search for meaning through the mundane, everyday life, work, duties, and routine jobs. It sounds like a mismatch from the start, but this is the individual that can show others that even the little things in life can bring joy and happiness. At times, there can be a great struggle between he largeness of Jupiter’s view and expansive nature and the obsessive tidying nature of the 6th house, which could be better explained as the house of inner order and it is also the house of self-defining. Virgo and the 6th house of the horoscope are about self-purification, self-healing, self-improvement and self-knowledge. It is where we work to perfect ourselves and our craft. Furthermore, we also see how our refined skills, techniques, new mastery, honed gifts, and services can help others and it’s a place where we offer our humble assistance. This sphere of life in the chart needs to keep its daily rituals, routine, and repetitive work and we harvest our energy, utilize it, sharpen our tools ready in the name of service.

यहां स्थित बृहस्पति आपकी शारीरिक प्रकृति को अच्छा करता है अर्थात आपको बीमारियां काम लगेंगी । फिर भी हो सकता है कि आपका शरीर दुबला हो। आप मधुरभाषी और सदाचारी व्यक्ति हो सकते हैं। आप पराक्रमी विवेकवान और उदार हैं। आप अच्छे कर्म करने वाले व्यक्ति होंगे । आप विद्वान और ज्योतिषी हो सकते हैं।

Work could be a place where things tend to expand quickly, the individual could get the job promotion or opportunities for work come along. The individual may work in a Jupiter kind of role as a travel agent, educator, publisher, and the job would really need to fill them with a sense of purpose. It is difficult to confine Jupiter to a small space; perhaps travel in connection with work would suit the individual. It is the ability to combine the exciting, new experiences, with the meticulous and the honed skills. Work and philosophy, attending to the details while taking the long-view and usually getting things done and also having time for some fun at work. All of this would help balance Jupiter here, otherwise, the planet tends to feel imprisoned in the 6th house, and it could result in being careless with the details, and a general impatience with the routine. It is essentially like bringing the philosopher, truth seeker, academic, or fun self to work with this placement. The person may be a big believer in personal growth and development, and finding success at such a job. Also, there is a definite feeling of enthusiasm at work, and the usual routine found in this is expanded so the person may take more than can be handled. It can also be beneficiary to have this position of Jupiter in terms of work and luck and opportunity knocking on the individual’s door.

आप शत्रुहंता और अजात शत्रु होंगे। लेकिन उम्र के चालीसवें साल में आपको शत्रुभय रह सकता है।  विवाद में  आप विजयी रहेंगे। केवल अशुभ दशा की अवधि में बृहस्पति की यह स्थिति मामा और भाइयों के लिए ठीक नहीं कही गई है नहीं तो  गुरु, भाई-बहनों और मामा सुख मिलता है।

The things Jupiter rules are expansive and the 6th house is where there are a lot more limits being set. Our limits and boundaries are often connected with earth signs and houses as planets that occupy these positions are always concerned with security, and must learn to understand boundaries. When we go from Jupiter to the 6th house we are moving from the infinite to the finite. Therefore, the daily routine needs to be a place of discovery; it can be a place where the individual is willing to help.

आप यशस्वी और विख्यात व्यक्ति होंगे । फिर भी आप अपने काम को देर से पूरा करते हैं। यानी आपका काम समय से पूरा नहीं हो पाता।  संगीत में भी आपकी रुचि होनी चाहिए। आपको स्त्री पक्ष से सुख मिल । आपको अच्छे नौकर चाकर मिलेंगे। यदि आप चिकित्सा से जुडा कोई काम करते हैं तो आपको बहुत यश प्राप्त होगा।

 For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

Sunday, 6 August 2017

पंचम भाव में स्थित गुरु (Jupiter in Fifth House)

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598

Firstly,5th house belongs to Children and Jupiter is a karak of child so according to rule of Karko-Bhav-Nahsaya it is not consider good regarding Child birth if it is placed in 5th house. If Jupiter is alone placed in 5th house then it indicates delay in child birth. If auspicious planet influence Jupiter then native may have child and if malefic planet influence Jupiter then it can cause big problem.But we can say that native's child may be intelligent and wise.

ईश्वर में आपकी आस्था होगी । आप धार्मिक और शुद्धचित्त व्यक्ति होंगे । आपमें दयालुता और विनम्रता के गुण हैं। आप बुद्धिमान, पवित्र और श्रेष्ठ  व्यक्तियों में गिने जाएंगे। आप स्वभाव से न्यायशील होंगे। आपकी वाणी कोमल और मधुर हो सकती है । आपकी कल्पना शक्ति बहुत उत्तम होगी। आप चतुर, समझदार और महान कार्य करने वाले व्यक्ति हैं।

Secondly,5th house belongs to intelligence so when Jupiter occupies 5th house native may be very wise. Native may be logical in nature 5th house also belongs to Mantras so native may be a well learner of  Mantras and shastras. 5th house belongs to Vidya and Jupiter is karak of Vidya so native may have good knowledge of shastras, vedas and vedanga. So its also indicates  that native may have good knowledge of astrology or any occult science or any such type of Vidya. 5th house belongs to fame so when Jupiter occupies 5th house then native may have good reputation and may be famous but only after analysing whole horoscope.

आप उत्तम वक्ता और कुशल व्याख्याता हो सकते हैं। आप प्रतिभावान व्यक्ति  होंगे। आप उत्तम लेखक या ग्रंथकार हो सकते हैं। आपकी रुचि ज्योतिष में भी हो सकती है। संघर्षों से मुंह न मोडकर विपत्तियों से जूझते रहना आपकी विशेषता होगी। पंचम स्थान में बॄहस्पति के प्रभाव के कारण आप स्वभाव से आराम तलब हो सकते हैं। आपकी संतान सुंदर और सुखी होगी।

5th house belongs to Mantri so Jupiter In 5th house native may have good advising power.So native may be an adviser. If Jupiter is strong and well placed then native may be an advisor of King or any big authority. It May also indicate that native may be a minister.5th house belongs to your faith so when Jupiter occupy 5th house native may be faithful towards God and his guru.Native may be religious  in nature because Jupiter is religious Guru .Native may visit religious places also.

  मनोरंजक और साहसी खेलों में आपको विजय मिलेगी। हो सकता है कि जब आपको कोई धन लाभ होना हो तो किसी प्रकार का विरोध आया करे। अशुभ दशा के समय कुछ अदालती मामले आपको परेशान कर सकते हैं। हांलाकि आपकी आमदनी सामान्य रह सकती है लेकिन आपकी जीवन यात्रा अच्छी रहेगी।

For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.