Saturday, 30 September 2017

दशम भाव में स्थित गुरु (Jupiter in Tenth House)

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

10th House belongs to our social image so when Jupiter occupies this house native may be religious or has good moral image in society.Native may be a respectable person in society. As Jupiter is debilitated in tenth house Of Kalpurush chart this indicates that native may be very strict regarding rules and regulations. If Jupiter is afflicted in 10th House then native may use his wisdom in negative ways.Other wise native may be a highly reputed person.As Jupiter in this house aspects 6th house of service so it indicates that  native may be in service of king or as king which means that native may be a government servant .in this case native may be in government job but will not reach at higher post .10th house jupiter indicates that  native may earn well . Because Jupiter is placed in arth kona and aspects all other arth konas .As jupiter aspects on 2nd house also so such native may earn a lot of wealth through his profession.

यहां स्थित बृहस्पति आपको चरित्रवान और स्वतंत्र विचार वाला व्यक्ति  बनाने के साथ ही विवेकी, न्यायी और सत्यवादी भी बनाता है। । आपको शास्त्रों का विधिवत ज्ञान होगा  और आपकी रुचि ज्योतिष शास्त्र में भी हो सकती है  । आप को भूमि सुख और भूमि के माध्यम से खूब लाभ मिल सकता है । आपको उत्तम वाहनों का सुख भी  मिलेगा।आप अपने गुणों के कारण समाज में आपकी प्रशंसा हो सकती है । आप अपने प्रभाव के कारण सर्वत्र सम्मान प्राप्त करेंगे। । आप अपने पूर्वजों से अधिक प्रतापी होंगे। आप अपने माता-पिता का बडा आदर करते होंगे । आपके पिता भी आपको बडा प्यार  करते होंगे । आप खूब धन कमाकर, ऐश्वर्यवान, सुखी और समृद्ध बनेंगे।  

As jupiter is in 10th House which means native may be in a profession which is related to jupiter. For example Teacher , religious or spiritual worker, judge , adviser, counselor, philosopher,or may be in Money or treasury related jobs etc. But what native will do in his life will depend on other factors as well which relates to tenth house.Jupiter aspects  4th house which is considered very good so native may get all sorts of happiness. It also indicates happiness from family and relatives because it also aspects 2nd house of family .Native may be well educated.Native may also get vehicle and property through own earnings.

 कार्य आरम्भ करते ही आपको  सफलता मिलने लगती है। आपको भाइयों के माध्यम से भी धन मिल सकता है। आपको स्त्री और पुत्र का सामन्य सुख मिलेगा। अर्थात संतान को लेकर या फिर संतान के भविष्य को लेकर आप चिंतित रह सकते हैं। स्वास्थ्य सुख भी सामान्य रहेगा।  आप, प्रवचन कर्ता, भिक्षुक, जज, और आयात-निर्यात कर्ता हो सकते हैं।

For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

नवम भाव में स्थित गुरु (Jupiter in Ninth House)

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

This is one of the most favourable positions of Jupiter for the individual and in a limited sense for brothers and sisters of self and spouse. Good luck is often operative in moments of difficulty or trouble from taxation authorities, or from banking institutions, or from insurance companies.These individuals should never change their faith or religion, whatever the temptation and pressure, otherwise the good results of prayers would be lost, or at least become less effective.Such native gains good name and praise for association with any non-government public service formation, as also with any religious and charitable institutions or with free-medical-aid-providing organisations so long as the individual stays real active in public service, honest to the purpose, and also to the funds of the organisation.If Jupiter gets associated with any malefic planet like Mars, Saturn, or Rahu in the 9th house, the individual might adopt dishonest ways and means in management of the religious or social service institution.

नवम भाव में बृहस्पति होने के कारण आप स्वभाव से धार्मिक होंगे  और सच बोलना आपकों पसंद होगा । आप नीतिमान, विचारशील और माननीय व्यक्ति होंगे । देवताओं, ब्राह्मणों और गुरुजनों में आपकी अपार श्रद्धा होगी। आप दान पुण्य में विश्वास रखते हैं । आप भक्त, योगी, वेदान्ती, शास्त्रज्ञ, विद्वान और अपने कुल की परम्परा को मानने और आगे बढाने वाले व्यक्ति होंगे। 

The individual stays honest and straightforward in matters of inheritance of ancestral assets and property s. However, if Mars or Saturn is in conjunction within 10 degrees with Jupiter, the individual has to suffer a setback in share of assets and property in favor of other claimants and heirs.The individual often of religious nature and does offer prayers or maintains meditation more or less regularly. Such as these individuals are rarely found to be atheist. If Jupiter is in the sign owned by Moon or Mercury or in Pisces, the individual is generally secretive about her or his mode, nature.

आप शांत, सदाचारी, और उच्च विचार वाले इंसान होंगे । आप सभी शास्त्रों और कलाओं से परिपूर्ण होंगे । आपको तीर्थ यात्रा और धार्मिक कार्यों से बडा लगाव होगा। आप पराक्रमी, यशस्वी, विख्यात, मनुष्यों में श्रेष्ठ, भाग्यवान और साधु स्वभाव के हो सकते हैं । आपको मकान का पूर्ण सुख मिलेगा। 

These individuals make balanced, fair-minded, and impartial judge, magistrate, arbitrator, value or assessor. So as long as Jupiter is not under influence of any malefic planet like Mars, Saturn or Rahu. If the individual is a qualified accountant or a taxation officer or subordinate in any taxation outfit, he or she always tries to stay above-board where integrity is concerned.These individuals are often efficient in arguing or pleading a case or cause,when functioning as,a lawyer, advocate, or solicitor. They are very public spirited at framing or drafting any law or rules and regulations.But remember, though Jupiter gives such favourable results in the 9th house, it surrenders its capability for good results to the influence of any malefic planet. 

आप न्यायकर्ता या लेखक हो सकते हैं। आप मंत्री, नेता या प्रधान भी हो सकते हैं। आप कानूनी काम, क्लर्क का काम, धार्मिक विषयों, वेदांत और दूर के प्रवास के माध्यम से भी आजीविका चला सकते हैं। आप भाई, मित्रों और सेवकों से युक्त होंगे। लेकिन आपको चाहिए कि किसी भी काम को अधूरा न छोडें और आलस्य से बचें।

For professional astrological guidance contact Astrologer Pankhuri Verma.

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

अष्टम भाव में स्थित गुरु (Jupiter in Eighth House)

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

People born with Jupiter in the 8th have a very wealthy inner experience. There is an appreciation for the whole ceremony of life, and a very high awareness for suffering and injustice. Perceiving symbolism in everyday events is natural, and there tends to be a deep enthusiasm for research - spiritually and physically, to understand the meaning of life. There could be a great interest in depth psychology, universal laws, and spiritualism. Fascination with life after death may direct the individual through religions, esoteric studies, or spirituality to reunite with God and become intimate with the truth. Their brilliant mind is capable of rich spiritual potency. Jupiter is a sweeping fortune and the 8th house is where the soul leaves body.

आठवें भाव का  बृहस्पति आपको दीर्घायु प्रदान कर आपको चिरंजीवी बनाता है। आपकी शारीरिक संरचना कुछ इस प्रकार होती है कि लोग  आपकी ओर आकृष्ट हो जाते हैं। यह इस बात का भी संकेत है कि आप अपने पिता के घर में बहुत दिनो तक नहीं रहेंगे। आप स्वजनों से इतना अधिक लगाव रखेंगे कि उनके लिए छोटे से छोटा काम करने को भी तैयार रहेंगे।

Such an individual may be interested in the mind and shared symbolism. Jupiter is larger than life and expansive. The 8th house governs inheritance and will, and Jupiter is traditionally lucky. It could mean that good benefits come through wills, legacies, insurance payouts, other people’s resources, and merging finances. The individual may spend hours locked away in self induced research, compulsive and curious. The individual may have a lot of faith in life and be interested in healing arts. Deep connections with others are important, and they may enjoy teaching others about forbidden realms and taboo topics. They appreciates the company of people from other cultures and their secret or lost heritages.

आपको किसी वसीयत के माध्यम से भी धन की प्राप्ति हो सकती है। ऐसा  बृहस्पति आपको कंजूस और लालची भी बना सकता है। इसीलिए  इन पर नियंत्रण रखते हुए मन की चंचलता पर भी नियंत्रण रखना जरूरी होगा। आप एक योगाभ्यासी व्यक्ति होंगे। आपको काफी अछि  तीर्थ यात्राओं को करने का मौका मिलेगा। आप अपनी कुल परंपरा को बहुत महत्त्व देते होंगे ।

Jupiter in the 8th people are very wise when it comes to the afterlife and the cycles of life after death. There is an accepting and open minded view about dying. Such native may have an easy aptitude for meditation, and use humour as a healing antidote. The painfulness of life is so apparent, and yet so is the colour and the beauty. They find a way to light a candle in the darkness. Jupiter in the 8th requires a high amount of intimacy and seeks a communion that dwells beyond the skin surface. Going into a joint business may prove profitable. They may experience an enlightenment or unusual trance, and head straight into the books afterward to understand the nature of it. Releasing balloons into the sky to celebrate life and passing over is Jupiter in the 8th house.

आपको  शूल रोग होने का भय भी रहता है। आपको अच्छे मित्रों की संगति मिलेगी । बृहस्पति की यह स्थिति कभी-कभी विवाह के माध्यम से खूब धनार्जन भी करवाती है। आप ज्योतिष प्रेमी और स्थिरमति व्यक्ति हो सकते हैं। यहां स्थित बृहस्पति आपको मोक्ष का अधिकारी भी बनाता सकता  है।

For Professional Astrological Guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.