Sunday 18 March 2018

Sun in Libra

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When Sun is located in Libra, the energies of Venus are blending with the ones of the Sun. Thus, there is a flow of balanced and feminine energy that smoothes the Sun’s attributes.Sun in Libra natives can excel in professions connected to it. They can be good artists themselves, they are even better in promoting and selling art. They are great in public relations and can succeed as mediators or negotiators also. Another career area can be Human Resources due to their ability to handle people.From beautician to graphic designer, from model to fashion designer, all those Venus-ruled professions are areas where Libras will feel at home.These are good diplomats, judges, counsellors and advisors. They may excel in the arts more so than in intellectual pursuits. They are good critics because they are good at observation and perception. They work hard, but dislike dirty work.These natives tend to be more romantic than others. They can more easily love things, which in some cases can make them a little bit materialistic. They will pay too much attention to objects that make them happy.Sun in libra will give a Libra type of father. There is a high possibility that the father is occupied in one of the Venusian professions, as i have mentioned above. These people are sensitive to others' needs, especially with their partners, with whom they may share an almost psychic bond. They are happiest as part of a couple.They dont like violence. They will always compromise with the situation. Sun in libra people are great marriage partners because they really bond with their spouse and try their best to be empathic to their needs. They are also tolerant of their partner's failings or weaknesses. They are usually well-liked by their friends, and are very sociable.They love beauty, luxury and good taste. Libra Sun Signs are loyal. 

For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.

Call/Whatsapp at +91 9711224598/9999224598.

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